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Category: Uncategorized
Chateau Marcel “My reservation”
From: Kristien Verbist
Subject: My reservation
Message Body:
Dag René
Veerle en ik gingen afkomen als we allebei afgestudeerd waren. In juni is het zover! Dus wij zouden van zaterdag 4 juli tot woensdag 8 juli bij jou willen komen logeren. Ik zag op de website dat dat nog kon. Welke kamer raad jij ons aan?
Zodra we bevestiging hebben van jou boeken we ons vliegtuigticket naar Carcassonne en de huurauto.
Heel veel groeten!
Kristien en Veerle
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Chateau Marcel (https://chateau-marcel.com)
Chateau Marcel “Quotation”
From: qsdf
Subject: Quotation
Message Body:
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Chateau Marcel (https://chateau-marcel.com)
Re: Activate your personal demo website
Re: Activate your personal demo website
Re: Activate your personal demo website
Re: Activate your personal demo website
Activate your personal demo website
Welcome to your demo website!It will help you test drive MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin. You should be automatically logged in as a demo user, just activate your account below and get started. Demo is available for 7 days only so go ahead. Login: info@chateau-marcel.com If you have any questions we are always ready to help! |
Activate your personal demo website
Welcome to your demo website!It will help you test drive MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin. You should be automatically logged in as a demo user, just activate your account below and get started. Demo is available for 7 days only so go ahead. Login: info@chateau-marcel.com If you have any questions we are always ready to help! |
Chateau Marcel